Offerwalls Are Still Relevant: Is Your Game Using Them?

Some even call Offerwalls infamous and outdated. Because it is not the most popular ad format out there.

Offerwalls have the potential to generate a lot of income. Certain game genres and economics suit them the best. Which ones? How can you maximize their potential?

Everything you need to know is right here.

1. Concerning Offerwalls in Mobile Apps

Offerwalls existed prior to rewarded video advertisements. This type of advertisement was the first to use opt-in-rewarded advertising in mobile games.

Concerning Offerwalls in Mobile Apps

They are not yet history, even if they have made history. Mobile publishers continue to use offerwalls in large numbers.

This is how they function.

Offerwalls resemble miniature shops within video games. They provide a list of steps that players can perform to get rewards. These behaviors consist of the following:

  • Completing an online questionnaire
  • Engaging in a bried gaming session
  • Registering for a trial offer
  • Getting a game downloaded
  • Completing a leve; five game
  • Purcharsing something in-app in a different game

Offerwalls demand a lot of interaction; therefore, the incentive must be worthwhile. This is typically used as in-game money.

This brings me to my second point: games with hard currency have better offerwalls. Hard money is something that players constantly want but never have.

2. The Advantages of Offerwalls

Offerwalls, the same as other sorts of in-app advertisements, assist developers in monetizing a greater number of gamers.

In the event that your game is built on in-app purchases, the majority of your gamers are not paying for it anyway. As a result, even if only a few of them interact with offerwalls, this is already a victory for you.

Some developers are concerned that in-app advertisements would eliminate the need for in-app purchases (IAPs).

The Advantages of Offerwalls

In no way should they be.

On the other hand, ironSource reports that users of Offerwall are ten to fourteen times more likely to make purchases within the app. What is the reason? In the same way as rewarded video advertisements do, they provide players with a preview of the premium experience. After they have had a taste of it, they end up wanting more of it.

eCPMs are not yet another “pro” that offerwalls have to offer. It is not a simple undertaking to be successful in getting gamers to execute actions. They are time-consuming yet have the potential to engage advertisers with high-quality users. It is for this reason that advertisers pay a higher price for offerwalls, which ultimately results in high eCPMs for publishers.

Last but not least, offerwalls have the potential to have a favorable effect on player retention. The fact of the matter is that they function most effectively with players who are already deeply involved in the game. They have a strong desire for hard currency, so they go and look for it. After the game has halted their progression, they do not experience churn.

3. The Not-So-Good Aspects of Offerwalls

Let me now highlight a few less positive offerwall facts.

First off, offerwalls are not supported as an ad format by many ad networks. As a result, the developers have few options.

Additionally, they have limitations on iOS. These advertisements cannot be used to persuade a user to install another app or game, per Apple policy.

Cost per engagement (CPE) offers are therefore no longer permitted on iOS, and the offers publishers can provide to their players are restricted. Cost per action (CPA) offers are the major focus in iOS. These are typically distinct online surveys or actions on mobile devices.

This is significant problem. The fact is, players genuinely enjoy what CPE offers. CPE offers account for 84.5% of offerwall earnings for Android publishers, according to Tapjoy.

4. Offerwall Data You Must Understand

Let’s do some research on offerwalls as an ad format to gain a better understanding of them.

Offerwalls rank as the fifth most popular ad format; according to DeltaDNA, fifteen percent of game publishers use them.

In the hardcore and mid-core categories, their popularity is nearly twice that of the casual one. While 21% of hardcore and mid-core publishers use them, only 11% of casual publishers do. (DNA Delta)

Seeing offerwalls via the lens of metrics is also interesting. We provide you with engagement rates for Android offerwalls in various categories and genres in the United States. (Source iron)

Percentage of monthly ad revenue from offerwalls games with hybrid monetization

5. How to Use Offerwalls to Your Advantage on Mobile

You should adhere to some of the industry’s best practices in order to maximize the benefits of offerwalls.

We’ve done the hard work of the research; you don’t need to.

We provide you with the top six methods for integrating offerwalls into mobile games.

1. Set Clear and Enticing Rewards

Ensuring consumers are aware of what is expected of them and what they will receive in return is crucial when it comes to offerwall monetization.

Writing a clear call to action that clarifies that is the first step. “Watch this video to claim free diamonds,” for instance. Users will then be aware of what to participate in.

Set Clear and Enticing Rewards

The next stage is to devise incentives that will motivate gamers to interact with the offerwall advertisement. What is it that gamers are in such dire need of?

Getting access to premium features, unlocking exclusive content, and receiving different game currencies are examples of common rewards.

It’s important to think about the offer’s timeliness as well. Offering benefits that will aid players in progressing through the game can be a smart idea, for instance, if the offerwall arrives during a particularly challenging part of the game.

Whatever the prize, it ought to be sufficiently worthwhile. Which gets me to my text piece of advice: figuring out the perfect value.

2. Find the Ideal Reward Value

Alright, so you already know that you ought to give your offerwall prizes some value. But precisely how valuable?

A/B testing is the only method available to determine this. The incentive ought to be sufficiently large to encourage user participation, but not excessively so that it becomes a one-time event.

How many rewards should consumers receive for every $1 you make? is the crucial question.

Find the Ideal Reward Value

If IAPs are the foundation of your game, the solution is available in the in-game store. The offerwall ought to bring in the same amount, for instance, if a player purchases 10 rubies in the store for $1.

This isn’t the only response, though.

For instance, you can discover that there is a lot of engagement with your offerwalls. This might occur from the offerwall rewards being too good. Additionally, giving too much out could cause issues with in-app purchases. Testing various amounts is the only method to determine the optimal incentive value.

Lastly, confirm that the award value corresponds with the players’ paths. An offerwall is an excellent idea, for example, if you see that a lot of players are stuck on the same levels. You must thus monitor their in-game progress and modify your offers accordingly.

3. Sales Are Always a Good Idea

Sometimes use these “walls” to provide more. Give gamers more incentive to interact by increasing offerwall prizes.

Offer deals during peak traffic. Take advantage of weekends and other peaks. Monthly promotions are recommended. Take advantage of important sales events like Christmas, New Years, Valentine’s Day, etc.

Notify players about offerwall promotions.

Sales Are Always a Good Idea

Use alerts, pop-ups, or push notifications. Use your choice, but notify your players.

Players who used offerwalls will likely use them again. It also helps you reach new offerwall users. I hope they’ll keep in touch after the sale.

Explain the promotion’s benefits. Highlight that players will receive enhanced prizes for a limited time. Create a short selling period to build urgency.

4. Divide Up Your Players

Never give the same treatment to every player. One of the fundamental guidelines for monetizing mobile games is this:. This also holds true for this ad format: various gamers ought to see various offerwalls.

Segmenting your gamers can be done in a variety of ways. Here are a few of them:

  • Consumers versus non-consumers
  • Fresh versus recurrent players
  • Active and passive participants
  • Whereabouts

Here are several advantages to keeping spenders and non-spenders apart in distinct areas.

Divide Up Your Players

After segmenting your player base, you discovered that many of the players in Tier 3 regions are not active. It’s unlikely that these players will ever purchase IAPs with cash.

Try to encourage them to interact with offerwalls so you can get some money off of them.

Compared to other players, you might be more aggressive in your approach when dealing with this type of audience. Offerwalls, for instance, may be shown as soon as players start the game.

Among these gamers, your objective is to present offerwalls more frequently in order to enhance interaction. Just watch out not to overdo it.

5. Placement and Messaging Are Crucial

Where to place offers? Use what CTA?

Players don’t realize your offerwall’s value. You must make them want to interact. You must make them appealing and valuable.

Make your offerwalls prominent and accessible. No player should have trouble finding them.

Placement and Messaging Are Crucial

Offerwalls are often on the home screen and in-game store. Add them to the natural gameplay breaks when currency runs out.

Even numerous placements are possible. Place them where your non-spenders will see them if you think they don’t shop in-game.

A strong CTA is also crucial. Offerwall CTAs like “Complete now,” “Claim now,” and “Earn free gems” work well.

A/B test to determine your best option.

How will you know you found the location and CTA? Monitor offerwall engagement. IronSource recommends KPIs exceeding 5%.

6. Give them a sense of participation in the game

The majority of ad networks allow you to customize offerwalls to match your game’s user experience.

Give them a sense of participation in the game

Players will view it as an integral element of the game rather than an advertisement in this way. You can alter the following to make it fit your game:

  • Scheme of colors
  • Icons
  • Header image (such as physical money)
  • Name of currency

In-game experiences will be enhanced if the offerwall is integrated seamlessly with the game. It facilitates a more seamless transition for the player from the game to the offerwall. They are therefore more likely to choose to interact with the offerwall.

7. Employ the Winning Ad Pair

Are you curious about a wonderful love tale? Offerwalls and video advertising with rewards. Though they can function independently, this power combination performs best when paired.

Publishers who combine offerwalls and rewarded video ads make 114% more money than those who solely employ rewarded video ads, per the Tapjoy study. Not too terrible, huh?

Employ the Winning Ad Pair

The strongest use cases for this combo are games that have two currencies. These two opt-in ad styles both provide free incentives. This means that they must have separate goals.

Soft cash, or prizes with a reduced value, should be awarded for watched videos. Offerwalls demand more interaction from participants. As such, they ought to be more fulfilling. Offerwalls ought to always accept hard currency because of this.

In the event that they both brought real money, the in-game economy might collapse. The value of money may drop if it is dispersed excessively. Much like in a real economy, if a nation prints too much money,.

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