What Survey CPA Offers, also known as Leadgen: Overview, Benefits, and Top Verticals

Advertisers are continuously searching for the best ways to generate quality leads, just as customers are searchung for new products and information. While there are many various kinds of affiliate offers, lead generation is one of the most well-liked by advertisers and marketers. It is also referred to as Leadgen CPA offers or Survey offers.

However, it’s not always easy to understand how lead generation offers operate and how to generate a lot of conversions with these campaigns, particularly if you’ve never used them before.

We’ll define lead generating offers below and discuss why these CPA offerings are a fantastic choice. In addition, we’ll discuss the top verticals and offer advice on how to launch an affiliate campaign for lead generation right-now.

1. What are lead generation offers?

What does lead generation offer?

To put it simply, lead generation offers are affiliate programs that require users to complete a survey or questionnaire before they can access the relevant promotion or offer.

These have the primary objective of gathering data from prospective clients in order to create a lead bank. Customers are directed directly to the relevant “thank you” page and offer after completing the survey or questionnaire.

It’s not an easy task to obtain customer data, as you may already be aware. Affiliates help advertisers target more effectively by bringing in audience members who are interested in the product being marketed through the surveys they administer and the responses they gather.

In turn, if the survey asks for an email address, advertisers can utilize the data to create more effective email sequences and other revenue-boosting marketing materials.

2. Why do affiliates run CPA offers for lead generation?

There are tons of amazing advantages to lead-generating campaigns for affiliates. It is possible that Leadgen campaigns have an easier time generating conversions than other offer types.

The following are some of the principal advantages of Leadgen CPA offers for affiliates:

1. An Easy Conversion Flow

An Easy Conversion Flow

Offers for lead generation merely ask users a few questions to answer. This leads to an easy conversion funnel that draws in a respectable amount of users, especially when combined with the fact that customers actively seek out these specials.

2. Stability


Leadgen CPA deals typically don’t expire quickly; instead, they typically last for a long time. Thus, over an extended period of time, a campaign that is appropriately tuned can yield consistent results.

3. High Conversion Rates

Campaigns for lead creation have substantially greater conversion rates than standard advertisements. For example, the conversion rate in the dating industry is over 14%, in iGaming it is 9%, and in the finance sector it is 6%.

4. Worldwide Audiences

Finally, keep in mind that lead generation efforts are appropriate for worldwide audiences because they function in any language and GEO.

3. Top Verticals in Lead Generation

It’s crucial to realize that lead generation efforts aren’t meant to gather private information like phone numbers, emails, or other sensitive data before exploring the top verticals.

Let’s examine the top verticals for campaigns aimed at generating leads:

  • Finances: Your survey on financial matters simple questions with succinct responses should be included in CPA campaigns. The finance survey’s objective ought to be to conduct a “financial health tets” and, upon receipt of the results, grant users access to the offer.
  • iGaming: Because it may cover a wide range of trending themes, the iGaming vertical is among the best for lead generation questions. This includes, among other things, general sports information and favorite teams.
  • Social: Because affiliates can pose five or six informal queries that typically garner a lot of attention, the social vertical is ideal for lead creation. This involves inquiring about things like “are you ready to meet guys/girls right now?” and “what type of relationship are you trying to meet?”

4. How to Launch a Campaign for Lead Generation

Keep in mind that every affiliate and campaign is unique; therefore, you must create a customized plan meant only for your situation. However, there are also some standard procedures that almost all affiliates must adhere to in order to be successful with lead-generating efforts. Among them are:

  • Select an af format. Popunder and push advertising are the most effective, with conversion rates ranging from 7% to 9%.
  • Choose the correct places to target; Thailand, Mexico, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Brazil are among the top performers.
  • Make use of pre-landers to boost conversion rates.
  • Use dynamic tags, particularly in surveys about romance and dating.

Lastly, keep in mind that you can still profit from individuals who have already turned down an offer if you lead them to the CPA survey (via TrafficBack) and encourage them to take advantage of this deal.

5. Building Converting Creatives

While it’s true that a lot of affiliates have had success with sporadic content and original angles, this might seriously mislead customers. Rather, we advise you to investigate several methods, experiment with a few factors, and then decide according to your results.

Among the several methods you can attempt are:

  • News: “Are you able to guess this game’s outcome? Answers are welcome; let’s find out.
  • Personal: “Examine your XYX knowledge!” or “Discover if you can become wealthy rapidly.”
  • Teaser: “A new test shows if your brain is as sharp as possible.”

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